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Game Name : Kingdom O' Magic
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:11:10
Views : 27265
Cheat : Cheat mode: Select a character and a quest and begin game play. Locate an area with minimum action (no CD-ROM activity) and no wandering monsters (Goliath the Dwarf, Orcs and Ring Wraiths). Examples of such areas include "The Boardwalk Bridge", "The Mountain Path" and "The Valley O' The Gorgon". Then, type one of the following case-sensitive codes and press [Return] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: When obtaining an object, it will disappear from its original location in the game. Effect Code Day time SCIDAY Night time SCINIGHT Obtain object1 SCISTUF 1. Select an object name code from the following list. Object name codes: Object: Object name code 70's clothes for Shaz: SHRN70 70's clothes for Sidney: THID70 Aluminium baseball bat: BBBAT Barrel: BARREL Big book o' spells: BSPELL Big cork: BGCORK Big spanner: BGSPAN Brochure o' sun, sea and tomfoolery: BROSHR Carte blanche (toilet paper): DUNNYP Child in a cage: CAGE Comedy mallet: MALLET Cow: COW Crank handle: HANDLE Credit sign: CREDIT Dirty great axe: DGAXE Dodgy flame thrower: FLAMTH Donuts: DONUTS Door entry card: DRCARD Drugged beef: DRGBEF Duvet (20 tog): DUVET Elven gift voucher: VOUCHR Empty box: EMPBOX Eye-on-a-stick?: ISTICK Fist o' the western star?: FIST Giant candle: CANDLE Giant raisins: RAISEN Gingerbread man cutter: GMANCT Golden ornament: GOLORN Golden platform shoes: PLATSH Goliath the dwarf: DWARF Hairspray: HARSPY Hamster: HAMSTR Hand mirror: HANMIR Harpic flushmatic: HARFLS Hay: HAY Ice: ICE Jar o' lightning?: JARLIT Kingdom O' Magic action figure from cave: ACTION Lighter: LIGHTR List of instructions: INSTRU Long sock with a cricket ball in it: LNGSCK Magic beans: MAGBNS Microphone: MICPHN Mobile phone: MOBPHN Orc disguise: ORCDIS Palantir stone: PLNTR1 Paper bag: PAPBAG Parrot: PARROT Parrot in a sack: PARSAC Potassium grail: POTGRL Rolling pin: RLLPIN Rope: ROPE Saber o' light: SABER Sack: SACK Sailors big book o' knots: BKNOTS Secret plans: SGMAN Sheep: SHEEP Small key: SMKEY Spare hair: SPRHAR Spell o' airstrike: SPLAIR Spell o' cabbage: SPLCAB Spell o' dwarf: SPLDWF Spell o' floater: SPLFLT Spell o' incontinence: SPLINC Spell o' invisibility: SPLINV Spell o' kick in the shins: SPLKIK Spell o' kolgate shield: SPLKOL Spell o' left the gas on: SPLGAS Spell o' sloooo moooo: SPLSLO Spell o' teleport: SPLTLP Spell o' wizbang: SPLWZB Steam powered chainsaw: CHAINS Stilt plans: STILTP Suit o' finest asbestos: SUITAS Suspicious french stick: DOSWRD Sword o' much greatness: SWORD2 Sword o' normalness: SWORD1 Talisman o' dancing: TALODC Trendai glasses: TRENDI Tupperware: TUPRWR Visitor's book: VSBOOK Wand o' cattle prodding: CTPROD Wedding gift: WEDGIF Wedding list and invitation: WEDLST White sheet: WSHEET Wig: WIG Wool: WOOL Woolen underthings: WUNDER Little yellow fellow: YELFEL Phone numbers: The following numbers can be used with the phone. 012487 110569 112474 123456 141267 147999 188632 201172 233959 299900 303959 311433 317614 329579 348500 359187 359722 384768 442244 465135 511491 525131 548199 558055 581376 593993 604428 628776 641076 642789 733393 771518 780527 800506 804505 853308 854971 861719 864759 866882 878888 884422 886363 911000 999000
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